Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Did I ask you to care?
But then again, if you don't care, why bother leaving a review?
Well, I hate to break it to you, being a woman with that attitude, you've no chance in finding a mate.

Actually, yes you did ask me to care. By posting the story on the website, you were asking for us to review it for you, were you not? I mean, that *is* the point of YWS... or did someone not explain that to you? Or perhaps someone did but you were to dense to understand. Better yet, perhaps your insanely large ego informed you that your writing was so amazing that you would only get praise from other users? Is that what happened kiddo? Why did I feel the need to post? I was afraid that your ego was going to take over the world, so I felt the urge to burst it a little. You're an arrogant little prat, and you don't have the talent to back it up.

Also, how on earth did my love life come into this? Just curious, couldn't insult me in any other way?

*pat's you on the head*

Learn how to take constructive criticism, or you will make it no where in this lifetime. Blink was nice, others won't be.

Um...nope, go read it again, never did I ask you to care. But then maybe you took an implication that I wanted you to care, but you were wrong.
Haha, well my insanely large ego also tells me that the person I'm message at this moment is perhaps the most disabled person I've come to meet.
Funny, you're calling me a kid, you're two years older than me.
I was afraid that your ego was going to take over the world, so I felt the urge to burst it a little. You're an arrogant little prat, and you don't have the talent to back it up.

Sorry to hear that you're so insecure about your own ego that you need to bash on mine.
Oh and I'm sure you have the talent to back it up. Cmon woman, this is the fucking internet.
How do you know I didn't steal that writing from someone else? How do you know that I'm who I say I am?
Your "talent" on the internet doesn't mean shit.

Also, how on earth did my love life come into this? Just curious, couldn't insult me in any other way?

Quite obvious to any male of normal intelligence that they would not want to approach you with that attitude.

Learn how to take constructive criticism, or you will make it no where in this lifetime. Blink was nice, others won't be.

Oh no, I can't survive in this life time because I trolled you for a review. =(
Don't cry woman.

I call you kid because you attitude is childlike, I wouldn't care if you were 20 years older than me, you behave like a child, therefore you are one. As for my attitude? What attitude? The one that allows me to tell you the truth, even if you didn't want to hear it? Awww poor honey. My boyfriend is enough of a man to be able to handle my honesty, perhaps when you are a man, you'll be able to take it too.

As for my ego, clearly it's fine. I can take cristicism and either follow advice or not depending on how I see fit.

And for the very last time, of course you were asking people to care, that's why you posted. It's also why you were so offended with people didn't bow down to your "talent" and instead told you how they really felt. Why else would you post on YWS if you didn't want others to read and review your work? Unless of course, once again, your ego told you that you were so talented there was no way anyone could not like your work... Which is what appears to be happening.

And just curious, are you saying that you stole that work? Just because it's the internet doesn't mean you get to take anything that doesn't belong to you. That's called plagiarism and A) it's illegal, B) It'll get you banned, and C) it's down right stupid.

You're only argument here is that you didn't ask me to care, which clearly you did ask me to care when you posted your work on the site. And that I won't be able to find a mate? Which is both irrelevant, and untrue.

I understand that taking criticism is hard, but there is no reason to be pathetic about it. It's time to put on your big boy pants, hon.

I really feel bad for your boyfriend, if you really had one.

Your ego is obviously pretty high as well, since you're talking to me, as already stated by yourself, I have a massive ego.

Seriously? I post whatever I want, it's the internet. No one owns it. I post something because I can. I didn't ask for anyone's opinion, you reviewed it out of free will.

Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Who knows? It's the internet.

Again, please state the exact comment asking you to review or care about my writing.
You not being able to find a mate is not an argument, it's a fact.
And you're trolling me out of free will too.

Well, it's time to get a better attitude woman. I understand that not being able to mate is a hard thing to accept, but eventually you'll get used to it.

Plagiarism is illegal, and because of your last comments, I am going to talk to a few people and all of your works posted on the site will be investigated. If any of them have been taken from someone else (which, they will be able to tell) you'll be banned from the site! Won't that be fun?

Of course I have a boyfriend, why would I have to make that up? I even have a picture of us on my main page, not to mention... he's a member of the site?

If you'd like to talk to him and let him know how sorry you feel for him, feel free, his name is Buscador!

I am sure he would be overjoyed to get a message from you, as I have told him all about the conversations we've been having. (yes, honey, we're laughing *at* you not *with* you)

You didn't have to ask for reviews, by posting on here, you were asking for reviews. As that is what the site is for... or did you fail to understand that? That is what the site is FOR. You post, we review with our honest opinions and suggestions for improvement. That's how it works. If you can't handle people not worshiping you for your lack of talent, don't post, you won't get ego rubs here. You'll get brutal honesty.

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